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Palmer is opposed to pharmaceuticals as the best way to fight HIV infection, instead promoting the therapeutic use of cannabis. However, according to the site at the time, Palmer returned to live in Los Angeles in September 2010. Palmer moved back to Mendoza, Argentina in October 2009 after years in Portland, Oregon, hosting occasional solo webcam shows for his fans on his website, which was closed in early 2016. In 2001 Palmer made a porn comeback in the Pacific Sun Entertainment production Palmer's Lust. Palmer performed exclusively for Falcon Studios before leaving in 1999. Adult film career Īt the age of 19 Palmer moved to Miami, and a year later debuted as an actor for Falcon Studios. During this period he worked in Amsterdam as a male prostitute at the Blue Boy club. Palmer left home at sixteen for Brazil, then a year later to Europe where he had his first gay sexual experience with a friend. At the age of 14, he saw his first pornographic film starring Peter North which sparked his ambition to become a porn star.

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David Zuloaga was born in Los Angeles, California, but raised in Mendoza, Argentina by his evangelical parents from the age of two.

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